Fight healthcare fraud with biometrics

Accurately identify and authenticate doctors and patients to increase workflow efficiency, prevent fraud, and increase patient satisfaction.

Biometrics in healthcare institutions

Healthcare institutions require high security and efficiency to manage patient, health history, and medical insurance data confidentially. It is possible to optimize the bureaucratic processes of hospitals, clinics, and laboratories, increase patient protection, guarantee reduction in fraud in the use of health plans, and even support online consultation services. For this, healthcare organizations can rely on BioPass ID's biometric solutions, which integrate high-quality care, operational excellence, and sustainable financial results.

Easy identification and authentication of patients, doctors, and staff in healthcare facilities

Avoid risks of user identification and deduplication

Effectively control access to restricted-use medicines

Manage medicine transactions and deliveries to combat fraud and avoid wasting material.

Smart control of vaccination and patient health history

Ensure access to examination records, procedures, and medications prescribed and prevent medical errors.

Need a customizable solution?

Talk to an expert and implement our biometric features in a few hours.

Biometrics for health insurance companies

Efficient fraud prevention and identity protection technologies are essential for health insurance companies. In the face of overbilling scams in reimbursement requests, identity theft, and insurance card forgery, biometric APIs guarantee secure authentication in compliance with the LGPD.

Accurate user authentication in online consultations

Ensure the identification of patients and doctors for healthcare services on online platforms through facial recognition.

Easy identification and authentication of patients

Ensure the singularity and agility of registration and avoid fraudulent card loans and provider abuse.

Do you want to know more?

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Convenience and secure user experience

Data Privacy

Protect student and staff privacy by keeping personal information secure.


Establish control over access to the learning environment and keep everyone safe.

Cost reduction

Prevent fraudulent processes from increasing the cost of services.

Fraud Avoidance

Avoid unauthorized personnel from impersonating others during consultations.

Powerfull tools for every possibility

Our API packages provide easy-to-implement biometric technology for secure and agile user identification:

ICAO Verification

Verifies that a facial image is in compliance with the ICAO standard (ISO 19794-5) that is used at airports.

Liveness 2D

Identifies the liveliness of a face based on the same photo that was used for the facial matching without the need for any intervention by the user.

Face and Fingerprint Matching

Verifies faces and fingerprints based on confidence scores and thresholds to assess affiliation.

Background Remove

Removes the background from an image of a face, with the possibility of applying a color to the background that was removed.

Trusted by

Transform banking and financial services with biometrics

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