
for Biometric Identification

Biometric certification is the international validation of biometric identification algorithms, such as facial recognition, fingerprint, signature, and others, through careful analysis. This process guarantees the accuracy, efficiency and performance of the algorithms in an impartial and fair manner, of one or more biometrics.

In addition, the certification validates solutions that include specific sets of functionalities related to biometrics, which ensures the credibility of the certified company and provides national and international recognition. This achievement also enables accreditation for participation in public and private announcements.

Biometric certification is important to guarantee the quality, security and reliability of biometric identification solutions, providing benefits to companies and end users.

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about our certifications

NIST is a U.S. agency that sets measurement standards and fosters innovation and industrial competitiveness.

NIST Finger Image Quality (NFIQ 1)

Is a critical metric developed by the  (NIST) to assess the quality of fingerprint images.

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Fingerprint Compression (WSQ)

Compression standard for the preservation of high-quality fingerprint images

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FATE Quality

Standard for the quality and performance of face analysis technologies

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FVC-onGoing provides continuous, web-based evaluations of fingerprint recognition algorithms against global benchmarks.


Benchmarking tool that helps shape the development  of reliable fingerprint algorithms

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Face Image ISO Compliance Verification

Standardization and quality assurance of facial recognition technologies

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The Multibiometrics package is a Rest API that provides a set of operations for building applications with biometric authentication.

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The Quality package evaluates and improves the quality of biometric images to ensure reliable authentication. This improves the user experience, ensures fast and efficient authentication, and reduces the cost of data deduplication.

Need a customizable solution?

Talk to an expert and implement our biometric features in a few hours.